The only fun in town zip

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Or do we? Click Yes on the Windows popup. Paste the folder path in Windows search bar. Click on Enter. Finally, launch Among Us from Epic Games library. If you have issues installing Town of Us, you can join our Discord to receive help.

The Mayor is a Crewmate that can vote multiple times. The Mayor has a Vote Bank, which is the number of times they can vote. They have the option to abstain their vote during a meeting, adding that vote to the Vote Bank.

As long as not everyone has voted, the Mayor can use as many votes from their Vote Bank as they please. The Lovers are two players who are linked together. These two players get picked randomly between Crewmates and Impostors. They gain the primary objective to stay alive together. If they are both among the last 3 players, they win. In order to so, they gain access to a private chat, only visible by them in between meetings.

However, they can also win with their respective team, hence why the Lovers do not know the role of the other lover. The Sheriff is a Crewmate that has the ability to eliminate the Impostors using their kill button. However, if they kill a Crewmate or a Neutral player they can't kill, they instead die themselves. The Engineer is a Crewmate that can fix sabotages from anywhere on the map. They can use vents to get across the map easily.

The Swapper is a Crewmate that can swap the votes on 2 players during a meeting. All the votes for the first player will instead be counted towards the second player and vice versa. The Investigator is a Crewmate that can see the footprints of players. Every footprint disappears after a set amount of time. The Time Lord is a Crewmate that can rewind time and reverse the positions of all players. If enabled, any players killed during this time will be revived. Nothing but movements and kills are affected.

If enabled, the Time Lord can't use Vitals to make things more balanced. The Medic is a Crewmate that can give any player a shield that will make them immortal until the Medic dies.

A Shielded player cannot be Shifted into, Hacked or Killed by anyone, unless by suicide. If the Medic reports a dead body, they can get a report containing clues to the Killer's identity. The Seer is a Crewmate that can reveal the roles of other players.

Based on settings, the Seer can find out whether a role is Good, Evil or Neutral, or they can find out the role itself. A player's name will change color to their team or role. If the Seer investigates someone, the Seer's name will change color to inform that player who the Seer is.

On Admin Table, the Spy can see the colors of every person on the map. On Vitals, the Spy can see how long killed bodies have been dead for. The Snitch is a Crewmate that can get arrows pointing towards the Impostors, once all their tasks are finished.

The names of the Impostors will also show up as red on their screen. Based on game settings, the Snitch may not know who they are until they have one task left. With each tree you climb, bridge you cross, or zipline that flies you through the trees, the course is designed to tell a story of nature.

To really immerse you in the woodsy surroundings. I mean, how much closer can you get when you're walking in the treetops and essentially flying through the air? Guides will accompany you on your entire adventure, so all you have to do is focus on the experience. Even if you're scared of heights, or the course might seem daunting, once you're there the fun overrides any fear. Not to mention you'll get beautiful views of the two-story Carver Falls.

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