Thanks: 1, Fixes: Re: Thomson TG - button on front? Is it a Plusnet supplied Thomson TG? If so the button doesn't do anything. Aparantly v8 is still quite a buggy firmware, though I don't have any experience of using it.
Phil Superusers are not staff , but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community. Message 2 of 7. Thanks for the speedy reply Phil. Yes - I do have the Plusnet supplied V7. Message 3 of 7. Posts: 1, I haven't tried this as it requires the client to also support WPS. Message 4 of 7. Weak Signal with Thomson TG Posts: However, the D-Link wireless signal was always reported 'very good' or 'excellent'.
I've now set up the Thomson and I find the wireless signal to be very variable, almost unusable, with continual drop-outs. I notice other reports of poor signal with the Thomson in this forum and I wonder if this is a feature of the router. Message 1 of Reply 0 Thanks. All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic. Community Veteran. Posts: 1, Thanks: 3. You dont know if the router is sending a weak signal or your receiving a weak signal. As the wireless adapter is a dlink it would be optimized for use with the router which may have a bearing on it.
Secondly are you on the same channel as the old router as this can effect it if someone close is on the same channel. Encryption will make a difference as there is more work to do. Message 2 of Well, my D-link is turned off but I guess there could be external interference on the default channel used by the Thompson.
If I could work out the Thompson user interface, I may check or change the channel. I'm not too hopeful of accomplishing this successfully. When I tried to set encryption from WPA2 to WEP, I couldn't connect and ended up resetting the Thompson - incidentally, after reset, the signal strength was reported as 'very good' while immediately prior to this it was 'low', still using the same D-Link adaptor.
Message 3 of Posts: 12, Might try borrowing a buddies wireless modem to see if it will connect or not. He has same modem and isp. Hopefully that will determine if it is indeed my computer that is the problem.
Thank you very much for your help. Much appreciated. Well, I managed to get it working again. This morning did everything all over again, starting with the full factory reset. Didn't work. Then instead of normally connecting, I decided to manually enter all the info via connect to new network options. Entered it all in an now it's working. Not sure which fix did it but for now it is working fine on computer, TV and PS3. Thanks again for all your help. As Seen On. Welcome to Tech Support Guy!
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