Toshiba thrive unable to connect to wifi

All rights reserved. England and Wales company registration number Top Bottom. On my Toshiba tablet it shows wifi connection, but will not connect to any app, I'm losing my mind. If anyone has any help tha. Jul 8, How do i fix my toshiba ecite 10 ATT16???

Nov 13, Dec 26, Dec 6, Power button is stuck in. Jun 17, My Toshiba tablet won't turn, is there a reset button? Dec 13, Nov 28, Problem with Toshiba Tablet. Jul 20, I honestly suck at networking and figure it may be how I have my AP set up but I reset both of my routers yesterday and it is still doing the same thing. Joined Oct 18, Messages 2 Reaction score 0. Joined Apr 16, Messages 2 Reaction score 0.

Obtaining IP address from I am having the same problem with my Toshiba Thrive. I can connect to my home wifi perfectly fine and when I originally come in to work, I can also connect to the wifi here at the hospital where I work. However, after a few hours the Thrive loses its wifi connection and will not reconnect.

It is continually stuck on Obtaining IP address from When I return home after work, the Thrive automatically reconnects to the home network and repeats the process again the next day upon returning to work.

Turn it off.. They actually told me to reset the router My cell phone is connected to the wifi here at work If anyone has any input on this I would appreciate the help since it is obvious that the woman reading from a script at tech support has no clue as to what she is doing. I finally solved the problem I think your problem is the same: domain, workgroup you have to tell your tablet you are using a WEP conection, and it would let you input the ip address Click to expand Joined Jul 3, Messages 1 Reaction score 0.

Did you ever get an answer and solved the wifi connectivity? Compatibility mode runs the program using settings from a previous version of Windows. Follow these steps to install the drivers in compatibility mode and check if that helps.

Hope this information is helpful and do let us know if you need further assistance. We will be glad to assist. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. If you don't have a physical switch, continue to the next step. Instead of a physical toggle, older laptops might have a touch-sensitive button on a strip above the keyboard that shows a picture of an antenna.

If you have this, you'll want to ensure it's on by looking for the lit up picture. If it isn't lit, touch it to enable Wi-Fi. Not every laptop will have this strip. Wi-Fi can also be toggled manually if you continue to have trouble. Type "TBSwireless. If turning on the wireless doesn't fix the problem, move on to the next section. Next we'll check the router to ensure the computer can connect correctly.

If you don't have access to the router for example, you might be using a public Wi-Fi network , you can skip this section.

If you still can't connect, try removing any security on the Wi-Fi network. If this is your home network but you don't know how to do this, try contacting your Internet service provider.

If this fixes it, try using a different type of security if you wish to use a secured network. Previously we ensured the Wi-Fi was enabled. In this section, we checked the router. If the computer still won't connect, we'll continue to check the software on the computer. In this section, we will see if the software on the computer that controls the Wi-Fi, called the Wi-Fi driver, might have a problem.

Try using System Restore to restore your computer to an earlier point in time when you could connect to Wi-Fi networks. In the list of restore points, locate one with a date and time from when you could connect to your Wi-Fi correctly. If one is available, select the most recent that was created before the issue arose and perform the system restore by clicking the "Next" button.


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