Were you successful in forwarding a text message with this method? Next: How to set up call forwarding on Android. Here's how to forward a text message on your phone Showing is better than telling.
By John Callaham. Perhaps you need to let others know that a friend is coming over for dinner, or you need to inform others of a change in your schedule? Want to know how to forward a text message? If your provider supports call forwarding, you can forward calls, but you cannot forward text messages.
Then you can continue the conversation from the device you want. Does Call Forwarding also forward text messages? Press ESC to close. Please share:. Double Opt-In. SMS Birthday Wishes. Custom Field Capture. URL Shortener. Alternative Method of Entry. It can also forward the call records so you stay informed about missed calls. Another good text forwarding app is Phone Leash that has been developed for Android devices. Phone Leash allows you to automatically forward text messages and MMS to another phone number or your email address.
The app also allows you to import text messaging history to your email address and get the GPS location of the other phone. This is a simple and free app for Android devices that allows you to forward text messages either in full or selectively to another cell phone.
The app allows automated text forwarding and email forwarding. It gives you several forwarding options, such as forwarding all text messages, messages with specific keywords, and messages from specific numbers.
You simply install the app and select the options you want. You just need to specify the phone numbers or email addresses to forward SMS to and the kind of messages to forward, and the app will take care of the rest.