Do not install or modify your license plate mount so that it hangs at an angle or is positioned vertically to the ground. This is not in compliance with the Indiana statute and you would be issued a ticket as a result. In the meantime, as always, stay safe and enjoy the ride. Today, I'd like to talk about the requirement in Indiana to wear protective eyewear while operating or riding as Today, I want to discuss the issue of dark-siding your motorcycle.
Dark-siding is the practice of installing a car Years ago, I represented a motorist who was killed when he stopped for a school bus stop arm and Indiana has a new statute that went into effect on July 1, It is compounding the penalties for Indiana allows you to register a new vehicle online , provided that you do so within 45 days of purchase. If more than 60 days have passed since the purchase date, you'll need to register your bike in person.
Additionally, the steps to registering your motorcycle may differ depending on whether you bought the bike from a dealership OR private seller. If you qualify, log into the Bureau's myBMV portal and follow the instructions. Be prepared to submit:. If you bought a motorcycle from a dealer in Indiana, in most instances the dealership will handle registration process for you.
Before leaving the dealership , be sure to ask one of the agents if there are additional steps you'll need to take. The dealer will usually include all applicable fees in the sale price; for a breakdown of the BMV's motorcycle registration fees, see below. After buying a motorcycle from a private seller , you'll need to handle the registration process yourself. As long as you're still within 45 days of the purchase date AND have already applied for a title in your name, you can register your motorcycle online.
See above for details. If it has been more than 60 days since you bought your motorcycle , you must register it in person at your local BMV. You'll need:. Below are the fees and taxes associated with registering your motorcycle with the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
The fees to register your motorcycle can vary depending on the amount of taxes due in your county of residence. If you would like to get an estimate of the fees due for motorcycle registration and license plates, head over to the MyBMV Quick Quote page. Home Indiana Motorcycle Riders Motorcycle Registration Motorcycle Registration in Indiana By law, if you plan to operate a motorcycle in the state of Indiana you'll need to have it registered.
New IN Residents Congratulations on your move! Proof of : Residency. Social Security number. Indiana motorcycle insurance. The motorcycle's out-of-state title AND registration. Register Your IN Motorcycle Indiana allows you to register a new vehicle online , provided that you do so within 45 days of purchase. Online Registration You may be eligible to register your motorcycle online if: You are within 45 days of your purchase date.
Your titling application has already been filed.