Not the most obvious use for the office network, but you never know, it might just work. Retro-bores may bang on about Smash Tennis on the Super Nintendo, but Virtua really is the definitive game of the sport, with the Dreamcast version improving hugely on the arcade original.
One to look forward to then, although that said, you can probably buy a Dreamcast and a copy of the game for a tenner. Tennis Games on the PC are generally treated with the same disdain as films on Channel Five, but occasionally a nugget of competence comes along that bucks the trend. Virtua Tennis was one such exception, and went down a storm here at PC, prompting frenetic two-player action for almost half an hour, once we'd managed to get the controllers to work. That was more than enough to impress us though, and the game promptly walked off with the coveted Sports Game Supertest award, as voted for by an esteemed panel of experts ie me and a couple of other slugabeds.
It was largely deserved, and it remains a supremely playable game, having now made the smooth transition from arcade to Dreamcast to PC to bargain bucket. Hinging around a simplistic yet intuitive control system, it's easy to pick up, with concerted play revealing further subtleties.
There are a host of options and mini-games, and even if you don't like tennis and who does? But first make sure that you have two joypads with leads long enough to prevent unnecessary bodily contact.
We're not animals. I've said this several times in the last year thanks to the 2« games , but here it goes anyway--this is the most incredible-looking sports game I've ever seen. Sega has managed to power pack the characters with polys while keeping them fluid as a waterfall and as lifelike as you or I.
But the truly beautiful thing about Virtua Tennis besides the graphics is the learning curve. Anyone can pick up a controller and perform moves Pete Sampras would be proud of.
The intuitive control and character reaction time are right on target. Beginners just move toward the ball and hit the button, but it's much harder to exploit the techniques needed to really jam. For example, the strength of a shot depends on how hard you charge the ball the direction you're coming from also factors in. Aiming, ball-spin, and tapping the potential of each pro takes time. You'll even find some nifty mini-games to prepare you for the harder tournaments.
One has you beating back giant beachballs with your returns while another involves a bevy of bombarding serving machines. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker.
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Virtua Tennis 1 Item Preview. EMBED for wordpress. Want more? The matches themselves are divided into two short games. It is important to monitor the supply of vitality so that the protagonist is always in shape. From time to time it is worth sending him on vacation at home or on the beach. The passage is carried out on courts that have different types of coverage, it is artificial, unpaved or grassy.
Having defeated an opponent, the character receives a monetary reward. In the final, the gamer will meet with the king of tennis himself and will be able to compete with him for this title on the original court.
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