For instructions on installing and updating Visual Studio , see the Update Visual Studio to the most recent release. Also, see instructions on how to install offline. Note: Installation package size will vary depending on your current Visual Studio configuration. When following the supported upgrade paths, your Visual Studio source, solutions, and project files will continue to work; however, you should expect to make some changes to sources.
While we cannot guarantee binary compatibility between releases, we will do our best to document significant changes to assist you with updates. Visual Studio provides cutting-edge tools and technologies to create apps that take advantage of the latest platform capabilities, whether Windows, Android, iOS, or Linux.
Visual Studio also targets earlier platforms so you can create new apps or modernize existing apps that execute on earlier versions of Windows while leveraging the enhanced development tools, quality enablement, and team collaboration capabilities in Visual Studio The following table explains the Microsoft Windows platforms for which you can build apps by using Visual Studio Visual Studio supports development of apps that use any of the.
NET implementations. Among the workloads and project types, you can find support for. NET Framework,. NET Core, Mono,. Visual Studio supports the following. NET implementations:. For more information on each of these implementations, and on the common API specification. NET Standard, see. NET architectural components. For information on. NET development for Android, see. For more information, see Cross-platform mobile development in Visual Studio.
NET development for iOS, see. Creating apps with Python or Node,js, requires that you enable remote debugging on the target Linux machine. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I've read here that Microsoft will add support for Windows CE in visual studio , but I haven't seen this project template in VS My question: is there going to be support for Windows CE 5 more specifically Windows Mobile 6 or not?
None, all or anywhere in between may come true. Again, this is all conjecture, so take it with a grain of salt. Until they publicly announce something, including timelines, all we can do is guess.
The fact that they announced something at all indicates to me that we should expect more details in the next days. Some more details of Studio support has been released, though they've really not made any clarifications on what older versions of the OS and Platforms might be supported. We know that Studio will have support both native and managed development for Smart Devices in Q2 of As I said, backward-compatibility has yet to be announced so we don't know how far back we might be able to target.
Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Asked 9 years, 4 months ago. Active 8 years, 10 months ago. Viewed 11k times. Thank in advance. For a long time, one of the major challenges for Compact developer is that they are not able to use and take advantage of the latest version of Visual Studio, available to support the desktop and server developers.
For the next version of Windows Embedded Compact, schedule to release sometime during Q1 in , developer will be able to use the same Visual Studio VS IDE across all Windows platforms, and able to take advantage of the productivity enhancement in VS to support Windows Embedded Compact development, such as:.
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