Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Game Theory by William Spaniel. Game Theory Bargaining by William Spaniel.
Tomorrow, you will go to your boss and ask for a raise. This is the essence of bargaining. Using the same crystal clear logic of the Game Theory series, William Spaniel explains the sources of "ba. In doing so, he uncovers the bargaining in everything, including car negotiations, Breaking Bad , Deal or No Deal , McDonald's Monopoly, sports free agency, cable companies, security deposits, war, diamond manufacturing, labor unions, government shutdowns, nuclear showdowns, price fixing, unemployment benefits, legal battles, and police pullovers.
With bargaining so pervasive, this is one book you can't afford not to have. Get A Copy. Kindle Edition , pages. More Details Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Game Theory , please sign up.
Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Add this book to your favorite list ». Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3.
Rating details. All Languages. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Game Theory Bargaining. Peter White rated it really liked it Mar 10, Rayan rated it it was ok Jan 22, RinKeith rated it really liked it Dec 26, Abhishek Badwal rated it liked it Aug 01, Vince rated it it was amazing Feb 24, Liam rated it really liked it Apr 27, Ic Rainbow rated it it was amazing Aug 28, Akarat Ngandee rated it really liked it May 26, Sungjoo Ha rated it it was amazing Nov 01, Kurt Kincaid rated it really liked it Feb 19, Penny rated it liked it Oct 29, Linwood Downs rated it really liked it Sep 10, Felipe rated it it was ok Aug 19, Charles Flint rated it it was amazing Nov 29, Error rating book.
Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Game Theory by William Spaniel. New edition for the school year! Game Theory The Basics is a no-nonsense, games-centered introduction to strategic form matrix games.
From the first lesson to the last, each chapter introduces games of increasing complexity and then teaches the game theoretical tools necessary to solve them. Inside, you will find: All the basics fully explained, includi New edition for the school year! Inside, you will find: All the basics fully explained, including pure strategy Nash equilibrium, mixed strategy Nash equilibrium, the mixed strategy algorithm, how to calculate payoffs, strict dominance, weak dominance, iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies, iterated elimination of weakly dominated strategies, and more!
Crystal clear, line-by-line calculations of every step, with more than images so you don't miss a thing! Tons of applications: war, trade, game shows, and duopolistic competition. Quick, efficient, and to the point, Game Theory The Basics is perfect for introductory game theory, intermediate microeconomics, and political science.
Get A Copy. Kindle Edition , pages. Published first published July 18th More Details Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Game Theory , please sign up.
Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Add this book to your favorite list ». Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Game Theory The Basics. Jul 03, Jose Seco Sanz rated it it was amazing Shelves: non-fiction. Great book. Very well explained. I didn't know anything about game theroy before, I feel that at least I have grabbed the core concepts now.
Feb 10, Zhelana rated it did not like it Shelves: nonfiction , read-in , science , gave-up-on. This book managed to take an interesting topic and make it boring. It kept repeating itself, and didn't worry about making sense. Also, while it talked a lot about what people would like to do, it never indicated how they would get there and for the most part I think the answ This book managed to take an interesting topic and make it boring.
Also, while it talked a lot about what people would like to do, it never indicated how they would get there and for the most part I think the answer is "it's pure dumbshit luck" Feb 18, Anthony O'Connor rated it really liked it. Lots of detailed examples Reading this book means going through a long list of examples in great detail.
And this is a good thing. But a little more by way of theoretical explanation and ideas would also have been nice. Not enough by itself to really get it. But still worth well worth a quick read. Jun 05, Byron marked it as to-read. I want to read this book. May 20, Sope Williamson rated it liked it. I think i might go over this book again, kudos t0 the writer for the easy to understand style of writing. Mar 23, Miguel rated it liked it. Game Theory is, as reflected in the title, a basic introduction to Game Theory which addresses its core concepts.
This book, however, becomes more computationally heavy about halfway through when it begins to address Mixed Strategies. Still, the math is fairly basic and the book does a great job of explaining Strict and Weak Dominance and how different Pure and Mixed Strategies should be selected and how to "solve" games.
Spaniel also does a great job of addressing critics of Game Theory, ex Game Theory is, as reflected in the title, a basic introduction to Game Theory which addresses its core concepts. Spaniel also does a great job of addressing critics of Game Theory, explaining how games should be tailored to their participants preferences to create the game that most accurately reproduces reality. Mar 10, Arun rated it liked it. Touches upon the Stag hunt, penny game, battle of sexes, chicken game, Nash equilibrium and other strategies to use to solve the issue.
Started getting repetitive or rather bland towards the end.. Overall, not bad though.