In our example, the WinServerqemu. Use vmkfstools to convert a virtual disk of the Workstation format to a virtual disk of the ESXi format. In our example, a thin provisioned virtual disk of the ESXi format is the destination virtual disk type.
As you can see on the screenshot, the post conversion of VMDK from the Workstation format to the ESXi format with vmkfstools has completed successfully and two new files have been created:. Select creation type. Hit Create a new virtual machine. Click Next on each step to continue. Select a name and guest OS. In this example, the VM name is Winconverted.
Select storage. Select the datastore in which to store the VM files. The name of the datastore used in this example is SSD2. Customize settings. This step is the most important in our case. Delete the virtual disk that was created by default with the new VM. As you may recall, your converted virtual disk consists of two files. Both files copied to the ESXi datastore are present. In the current example, you can see that the current size of the virtual disk is 9. After adding the converted VMDK virtual disk, you can see the inactive field where the 9-GB size the current size of the GB virtual disk is displayed.
Ready to complete. On this step, you can check your settings. You can download this tool from here. This is the tool that I recommend as I have personally used it and found no problems whatsoever. It comes with a 30 day trial after which you have to register to keep using it. You can downlad the winimage software from here.
After you download, install the software. Select the Virtual Hard disk where it is placed. In our case, we will selecting the VHD file that we want to change. Select a destination path where you want to save the file and select the file type as vmdk below.
Plus, Windows Server already contains Hyper-V, thus cost can be cut to some extent. Thus, I can use either of them. I'm not interested in fixing that error. Are there any other methods to do the conversion? A third-party tool is also OK as long as it can do the job for me. Professional disk manager software is essential especially when you want to manage disk space and partition for virtual machine.
It is recommended to use DiskGenius to be your virtual disk manager. Features related to virtual disks are the following:. The converting can be completed without launching virtual machines and does not affect data on original virtual disk.
Step 1. Install and launch DiskGenius from your physical computer. Step 2. The Convert Virtual Disk Format windows shows up as follows. Step 3. Step 4. Click Select button and set a location to save the VHD disk after converting. DiskGenius converts virtual disk format for selected disk and then saves the new virtual disk to a specified location so that the original disk won't be changed or damaged. Please make sure the target location you select is large enough to store the virtual disk.
Windows does not build in the virtual machine converter and you need to install the conversion kit manually. But the conversion kit requires to connect to the VMware and Hyper-V host. The virtual disk conversion kit comes with a PowerShell mode which enables to do offline conversion. When the module is imported successfully, you can do the conversion via following command.
VM converting might fail due to some reasons.