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Blogs Forum. Co-production Email Dige. Victrola vv manual. Joovy playard instructions on how to play Arcgis server This upgrade also included a slightly larger horn opening. Sales began to slow in late in spite of the new appearance, but production output remained steady.
Unsold machines were beginning to be stockpiled at distributors and dealers. A second redesign effort was undertaken in mid; the horn opening was enlarged again perhaps in an attempt to improve the sound quality , and the size of the record storage area was reduced. The cabinet consequently took-on a rather ungainly appearance right.
Air-damped lid supports were added at this time. Production of the VV was discontinued toward the end of Due to the overproduction of these machines during and , it is quite likely that many late-production VV's were sold during Victor's well-advertised "half-price" sale during the summer of For more information on Victor's financial crisis of and the overproduction of phonographs, please click here. An estimated total of , VV models were produced.
A very small quantity of VE electric motor models were also produced during the latter part of No surviving VE has been documented to date. Do you own a Victrola VV? Please take a moment and enter some basic information about your machine into the collector's database by clicking here.